Test 2 - Water absorption
Comparison with similar products .

We can see that cellulose-based absorbents have greater absorption capacity.
However, if it is not dehydrated and there is no water repellent, the water will occupy the space of the residue which it is destined to sorb.
water absorption:
This test aims to show the real efficiency of the products in spills over water.
1. The same amount of fresh water was placed in recipients;
2. In ampoules, the same amount of sorbent products;
3. The ampoules were submerged in the water containers at the same time.
(100mls of water and 5g of product)
After a while we see the following results:
- ADP SORB South Plankton - adsorption±10% ( water level), absorption 0% ;
- Imported peat – sorption ±70% of the product volume;
- Salvinia-based peat - adsorption±10% (water level), absorption 0% ;
- Peat from Minas Gerais – sorption ±90% of the product volume;
- Coconut Peat (Maranhão) - sorption ±70% of the product volume;;
1 - The product that is intended to absorb hydrocarbons, and thus also absorbs water, will not have the same efficiency as the one that only absorbs Hydrocarbons.
2 - Many hydrocarbons do not mix with water, because they are lighter. So the cells that have absorbed water make it difficult for the other cells that are above to absorb the hydrocarbons.
3 - The products supplied, the more dehydrated, that is, without water in their inside, become lighter. Consequently, more product volume per kg packaged.